Tuesday, January 14, 2014

All is Well

Classes have been going well so far, and I like all of my professors. Everything I have been involved in is slowly starting up again. AIChE and SWE have their semester kick-off meetings tomorrow, and my inbox is accumulating emails from the Center and Career Services about upcoming career-related events this semester. The Engineering Building seems so empty around this time of the semester, especially after I was so used to seeing the labs packed with people preparing for their Design Day projects in December, but I know it is inevitable that we will all become that busy again.

This year is going to be awesome at MSU, but so many cool things happened last year. So, I found you some articles on some of the achievements in the engineering made last year at Michigan State so that you will get excited about what will happen this year!

Here is an article that summarizes some of the major headlines of the College of Engineering this past year:


Also, here is a link to an article about achievements made by MSU engineering students and faculty in 2013:


If you are interested in more stories like these, we also have a Facebook page for Future Spartan Engineers. Here is a link to the page if you are interested:


Wednesday, January 8, 2014

First Day of School (Finally!)

The first day of class was supposed to be on Monday, but because of the awful weather, MSU was closed until 5pm. This was the first time in MSU history that we had two snow days in a row, or so I have heard. I am glad that class is back in session because being stranded in my dorm room for two days is not as fun as it may sound. I had a great winter break and watched the Spartans win the 100th Rose Bowl from the comfort of my house. Now it's time to get back to business. I have my first class of the year in less than an hour. I'll let you know how everything goes. Stay warm everyone and have a great new year!