Monday, October 7, 2013

Career Gallery

Now that Pre-gallery, Career Gallery, and interviews are over, I can breathe a sigh of relief! I have not been contacted by any companies, but I did get one interview for a co-op after attending Career Gallery. It took place in the Spartan Stadium on Thursday, so I had a view of the football field while I was being interviewed. I was hoping to get more interviews, but there is still Engineers Week in February to get more interviews and hopefully a job!

I was way more prepared this year than I was last year. After attending the career events last year, I knew what to expect at each of the events this year. Now I have an interview to add to my own personal experiences. Going to SWE and AIChE meetings last year and this year really helped me learn about some companies and what they were looking for in an employee. I asked better questions, but I could probably improve the way I relate my experience to the job opening.

Overall, I had a positive experience because I was more comfortable talking with representatives and I got a ton of free stuff! Pictured below is my haul of free stuff:

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